Marcus Ellis

Front End Web Developer

© 2014. Marcus Ellis All rights reserved.

FeOpsConf Notes, Day 2


Delivering the Goods in Under 1000ms

Paul Irish, Google

Identify a metric to move the needle of a business need/goal.

Speed Index - Lower is better. Goal should be under 1000.

Total page size and Number of requests are equally important. Latency has a direct linear correlation to page load time. Latency in wireless is painful.

Video streaming is bandwidth limited. Web browsing is latency limited.

TCP Slow Start ramps up the amount of data transferred over time.


The Rise of Front End Tooling

Mikeal Rogers, Digital Ocean

About a third of the activity on npm is related to front end tooling. Mostly Grunt; Gulp had a big spike.

Development tools for front end are growing faster than back end and node development is growing faster than any other technology.


Reducing Complexity with a Component API

Ian Feather, Lonely Planet

A Style Guide isn't the mechanism.



Automating a Maintainable Front End

Rachel Myers & Emily Nakashima, GitHub

Slides & Resources

Stages of Performance Optimization

  1. configuration for bottlenecks
  2. refactor bottlenecks
  3. performance-minded development
  4. repeat 3 for as long as you can before going back to 1 & 2

You could use Modernizr.load or Require.js to load individual polyfills, but it can delay load time and adds overhead.

Sunset Tests

Put browser support expiration into unit tests. That way the build fails on an agreed upon expiration date.

Know what browsers you support and enforce that thru code/tests.


Continuous Translation

Burak Yigit Kaya, Disqus

Community sourced translators.

Translations are dependencies.

Additional considerations for RTL support and Date/Time formatting.


The Dark Side

Martin Kleppe, Ubilabs


Apps that Talk Back

Rebecca Murphey, BazaarVoice

They keep you from doing bad things

Build assertions into error handling; provides sane error messages.

They tell when you do a bad thing

Logging errors with more detail, categorization, hashed stack traces.

Identify things before they are things

Use Istanbul to see what code is actually being executed.

Help fix the things

Production swallows errors, but a cookie can be set to enable verbose logging at any time.


Building a Large Scale Synthetic Performance Lab

Amiya Gupta, Microsoft

Lessons Learned

  1. Synthetic data is fundamentally different from real user data
  2. Focus on consistency
  3. Larger sample size isn't always the answer

Navigation Timing API is supported by most browsers (not Safari).

Benchamrking is instantaneous. Monitoring includes dimension of time and location. Synthetic measurements enable deeper analysis by eliminating variables; trade accuracy for consistency.

Minimum PLT - there's a hard lower limit to how quickly a page could possibly load; no upper limit.

Benchmark Page - Simple HTML page with a few images, no CSS or JS. Simulations against the Benchmark Page tell you what your Minimum PLT is.

Measure -> Analyze -> Improve -> Repeat

Benchmark page can also indicate problems with network and hardware (ie, Latency, Packet Loss, CDN Routing).

Synthetic environments can suffer from cold server cache and DNS timeout.


Introducing RequireJS into a Large Codebase. Delicately.

Dan Lee & Chris Chen, Yammer

Shim require & define to avoid errors on non-RequireJS pages.

Target one controller at a time to progressively add AMD-ification.


  1. Isolation - find a small slice of your app to start
  2. Iteration - chart out the path from the small slice to the whole pie
  3. Minimize disruption - don't break the dev environment for other parts of the app

"Code in transition is OK."" Developers have a desire for consistency, but innovation necessitates transitional steps.

It's About People

Dustan Kasten, Skookum Digital Works

Time to first commit is critical.

Don't guess it, test it. If it moves, track it. Get charts in front of people.

Responsibilities of a Front End Operations Engineer

Rodney Rehm, Deutsche Telekom

Know your goals before entering negotiations. Start with something small that has big impact. With finite resources, you have to pick your battles.


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